lauantai 5. joulukuuta 2015

✿ Cards ~ Papercuts ~ Memories ♥

Phew, almost forgot to update here... Sorry!

So, what I've been up to today? Well, took a trip to the grocery store nearby ( with my honey, of course ♥ ) and visited Subway
 : 9

I found cheap ( from the SALE box, I usually love those ♥), two stacks of hobby cardboards - 50 baby blues and 50 sand brown colored so 100 in total. I've been making self-made/homemade postcards, got to 36 different cards, mostly in vintage style.

While factoring with the cards, I've been listening to my old CD's from my teen years. 
Fell in love with Sevendust's Skeleton song again and realized how I have missed that song! 

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

*me n' my feet in sync with the song*
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

But yeah, I'll go and fetch myself something to munch and go to write since I'm in that mood :D

Till next time, rock on! /,,/

ℒℴνℯ, J.

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