tiistai 24. marraskuuta 2015

Deeper thoughts...


Today's been normal as usual (unless you don't listen to your neighbors' "voices").
I'm writing again this one (of many) story and there's a scene where kids and teens are starting to play pirate ships, girls vs boys... And the character I'm writing (one of the mains) is rather shy and kind and has never played with other kids of her age since she's been living with her father alone.

I just began to think that these kids in this particular story are playing together, some even on their teenage years and not caring of embarrassment.
I too played long (till I was 15 or so), and while I'm writing or roleplaying (cosplaying) it feels the same as a kid. Fun, natural, nothing to be embarrassed about, but also there's a little mature acting included, which (hopefully) has come with age and experience.

Writing as a hobby or profession, or cosplay or any kind of hobbies as such... they're relaxing, a way to express yourselves as creative individuals and I'm happy about this. I'm happy I found my inner writer during my high school years though back then I was still a rookie on this field. Now that I've kept doing this and gained courage, I feel stronger as a person, too.
I do dare to say, I have low self-confidence. I'm proud to say that out loud too, since... Well, I'm not that shy teenager anymore. I'm an adult, still shy and have darker day at times like anybody else would.

To me, being "adult" is to be what I truly am and not to hide that like I had to during my teen years.
Yes, I still like "childish stuff" like dolls, ponies, fantasy-related girly things, pink and purple colors in any shade and all that cute. Then there's that tomboy-side of me, who still like robots like Transformers, heroes like the Avengers, geek films like Star Wars and action movies like Robocop and Terminator... all that mucho macho guy stuff. But, I'm proud to be what I am and that I still value things from the past, not forgetting the present.

So, what I try to say, is be what you are and don't be afraid to show it. Surely, if you have dark thoughts like massacre and enjoy killing, then I'd consider getting help and damn fast.
Otherwise and anyhow... Even if you're gay, lesbian, bi, trans, hetero or even alien - then be, I'm not going to judge. If that's what makes you happy, then you most likely live happy and make everyone close to you happy as well.

But, enough of this lecture. I'll return back to my "girly and geeky" lair and continue writing = being happy.

Until the day, till all are one, and so on. Be what you are! ~ ☆

ℒℴνℯ, J.

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