lauantai 21. huhtikuuta 2012

War mask on and to karaoke ( > v < ) ~ ♪

Yes, I'm going to spend some quality time with three of my friends tonight at the local karaoke bar ( ^ v ^ ) ~ ☆ Wish, my sweetheart would be able to come with us, too ( ; n ; )

To be honest, I'm a little nervous about the karaoke, not that I want to sing, but the songs. . . It is left to be seen, are there any good songs for me :9 I've been in Tukirasti once before and sang Bon Jovi's It's My Life with my darling ( ^^#) Oh, the good old times. . .

Well, I still have few hours left before hitting the road by foot, 'cause the bar isn't that far away ;) Gotta put some war mask on (meaning make-up) and do some stuff so I don't need to worry about anything tonight (^^)

Until next time, you have a right to party and to be creative
( ^ v ~ ) ~ ♥

♥ ~ J

1 kommentti:

  1. I was thinking on going to karaoke bar alone tonight, but since I had to walk so much at Powerpark, not sure can my legs take any more.
