lauantai 21. huhtikuuta 2012

Almost perfect night. . .

Back from Tukirasti, been for. . . approximately an hour now (maybe) ( ^^')

There were six of us in the end in the bar, but I was the only one, who sang karaoke ~ nine songs *ahem*
( ^^#)

Here's the list of the songs I sang (in order):
  1. Missä muruseni on (Where Is My Darling) ~ Jenni Vartiainen
  2. It's My Life ~ Bon Jovi
  3. Mombasa ~ ( I don't remember the artist, sorry.)
  4. Teuvo, maanteiden kuningas (Teuvo, The King Of Highways) ~ Leevi and the Leavings
  5. Kesä (Summer) ~ Maija Vilkkumaa
  6. Nothing Else Matters ~ Metallica (My best song of these :D)
  7. Show Me The Meaning Of Being Lonely ~ Backstreet Boys
  8. Pauhaava sydän (Rumbling Heart) ~ Lauri Tähkä & Elonkerjuu
  9. Leijat (Kites) ~ Kirka
By the number of songs, you guys can figure out I didn't have much time to drink : D I did too, one bottle of Coke and one cranberry long drink my friend bought me as thank you for a favor. Cheers to you H for that
(^.~) ~ ☆

Well, I'm still pretty awake so I'm gonna finish my meal I heated and visit FB before diving under my blanket and falling asleep.

Oh, this was the first song I heard in the karaoke basement area in Tukirasti before the actual karaoke started. I was all hearts and daisies ~  ♥

I thank my company group, had great time with you guys (^^) and the random people in the bar, who clapped for me, I guess they REALLY LIKED me singing. . . (#^^#) The reason why I wrote the title like that, is that if my sweetheart had been there too, then my night had been PERFECT, no doubt ♥

Once I wake up again, I'll do the unfinished writing part of the final work for this school. . . and gather some of my stuff ready for moving out. Until next time (meaning Monday ( ¬ n ¬ )), be creative and try karaoke ;)

♥ ~ J

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