torstai 19. huhtikuuta 2012

A naked male model has turned into a mermaid. . .

Yes, today went better compared to yesterday, which is good. Like the title says, I transformed the sketch of P (= our male model) from ordinary to fantasy ~ I made him a mermaid ~ because I didn't want to draw his legs (> _ <). We had to use water colors to paint the sketches and tomorrow we'll continue the pictures/ paintings with soft pastels ~ so, you'll have to wait until I can post a photo of my work here.

Also, I got a letter from Lappia (FINALLY!!), but I still have to wait for a copy of the letter my mother promised to send me here, since the letter came to my home address.

. . . and I'm VERY eager to start working on my final art work (for this school) on this Friday (^ v ^) ♥

Well, that's about it for today; I'm still going to sketch for my final work and write a story with my precious one tonight before catching my forty wings.

Until next time, be creative ~ ☆

♥ ~ J

1 kommentti:

  1. Hmm, merenneito on mermaid, miespuolinen vastine suomeksi tais olla vetehinen. Tai sit se oli vaan Aku Ankka juttu. I'm trying to figure out what to draw.
