lauantai 19. toukokuuta 2012

Follow the call of the Norwegian Elkhound. . .

Hi again, been back in Finland for two days now. London was a great city, been there once before with a different group. Haven't slept so well, since it was an early-morning when the ordered bus brought us back here to the school.
Only one week left before I have to carry my stuff out of this room and move back home, temporarily.

Haven't done much drawing during the field trip to London, but I drew this today at Alatalo:

 Been missing my loyal Norwegian Elkhound friend, Heidi, again. 

I'd so want to get a new puppy of the same breed, since I know about the breed and grew up with Heidi. She lived approximately 14 years, and was a sweet, caring companion ♥ The best dog I ever had in my life.

Well, before I start crying again, I better take that short nap and perhaps draw more later on (^^#)



This is the PERFECT song for this magnificent breed, just listen the lyrics and you guys will understand, or so I hope (^^)

Till next time (◕ ‿ ◕)

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