maanantai 18. maaliskuuta 2013

Nemesis, the Goddess of Retribution.


It's been almost eight months since I have sent any piece of art or any kind of message here. As you all can see, I've updated my profile picture and data (I'm a little older now, let's hope that I've become wiser, too :D ). There are still many art works waiting to be posted here, but since I have been busy with summer job, my current school and writing stories, there hasn't really been time for updating, I'm very sorry about that.
I'll post my newest drawing here now; my projection and perspective studies' final design work, the Nemesis bedroom, a tribute to the Goddess herself and to one of my favorite bands, Stratovarius, for making their most amazing album ever a.k.a Nemesis ♥  

Here's the picture of my design for ya:

The Nemesis bedroom

That's it folks, for this time. Now I'm off to check my e-mails and FB-page; I'm also going to continue writing Crystal Canyon tonight. Till next time, be creative and rock on!! /,,/

♥ J.

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